When we began negotiations is essential to distinguish who are the Predators and who are the Strategists, because the rush not to be confused with speed.
When we start up a negotiation, at the same time, we interact with people, we can never forget that we are not dealing with logic objects, but with emotional creatures, susceptible to pride, sorrow, vanity, etc.. This is THE CORE of the negotiations because it is directed as having harboring these intrinsic features of your INTERLOCUTOR.
The Cartesian and logical reasoning is only a partial sample of our total knowledge. It Is in level than our conscious can perceive. It is therefore all our knowledge.
Full knowledge is formed by rational intelligence and also by emotional intelligence, so the planning is the cornerstone of this planning involves trading and research.
The Complex Negotiations require Creativity Input Vital to the survival and competitiveness of the company today.
The strategic advocacy and entrepreneurial contains instruments that allow analysis of complex business negotiations, business and legal interests adverse to the convergence of techniques.
“I do not seek to know the answers , I try to understand the questions.”
我 不 求 知道 的 答案,试着 去 了解 的 问题
Confucius ( 551-479 A.C ).